We have the privilege to let you know that the Belgian Ageing Muscle Society will award, during the next General Assembly in May 2019, a price of 250€ for the
"Best publication of the year"
Applicant should be a PhD student, BAMS member who has paid his/her membership dues for 2018 and should be the first author of a scientific paper published between January 1st and December 31st 2018.
If you want to apply for this “BAMS best publication of the year” please send us:
- a one-page CV
- a pdf version of the publication
- a one-page letter explaining why your publication is a real added value to the ageing muscle field.
Please send all these documents before 28th January 2019 to olivier.bruyere@uliege.be.
Very best regards,
Professor Olivier Bruyère
President of the BAMS